Frank is a GREAT Teacher! I wish I had teachers like that in College. He’s very clear when giving steps to taking apart phones and soldering. He teaches in a way that sets you up to make common mistakes, but it helps you learn quicker about how to prevent things from happening. He gave us a lot of trick questions which lead us to use our brain to figure out which is the best solution when troubleshooting. He really made soldering a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. I just followed his steps and techniques and it really helped. What I like about Frank is how he shows us his personal way of doing things based on his 25 years of experience. I believe this is very important because he’s offering his own hands-on wisdom from all of the years he’s worked in the field. We learned all the common issues he’s encountered, We did A LOT of hands-on training… enough to make me feel comfortable enough to say I solder and desolder components on ANY circuit board, not just phones. I also can recognize if a gadget has been damaged by liquid. I own an online vape shop and I brought in some returned defected items I had.. I opened them up and I was able to find out what was causing them to not work! Didn’t think taking a smartphone repair class would open the door to other things! MONEY WELL SPENT! Thanks Frank!